Nifty, Bank Nifty, Fin Nifty and Sensex Market Prediction Tomorrow October 26, 2023

Market Prediction Tomorrow
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Market Prediction Tomorrow: The provided data appears to be a set of predictions and recommendations for the SENSEX, NIFTY, BANKNIFTY, and FINNIFTY indices. It’s important to note that market predictions are speculative and should be used with caution for educational purposes. Always conduct your own research or consult with a financial advisor before making trading decisions for Market Prediction Tomorrow

Market Prediction Tomorrow

SENSEX (64,049):

  • The Sensex is currently in a negative trend.
  • If you have short positions, it is recommended to continue holding with a daily closing stoploss of 64,927.
  • Fresh long positions can be considered if Sensex closes above 64,927 levels.
  • Support levels: 63,712, 63,375, 62,837
  • Resistance levels: 64,587, 65,124, 65,462
  • Tentative range: 63,490 to 64,609

NIFTY (19,122):

  • The Nifty is currently in a negative trend.
  • If you have short positions, it is recommended to continue holding with a daily closing stoploss of 19,386.
  • Fresh long positions can be considered if Nifty closes above 19,386 levels.
  • Support levels: 19,015, 18,908, 18,742
  • Resistance levels: 19,288, 19,454, 19,561
  • Tentative range: 18,954 to 19,291

BANKNIFTY (42,832):

  • The Banknifty is currently in a negative trend.
  • If you have short positions, it is recommended to continue holding with a daily closing stoploss of 43,559.
  • Fresh long positions can be considered if Banknifty closes above 43,559 levels.
  • Support levels: 42,594, 42,357, 41,955
  • Resistance levels: 43,234, 43,635, 43,873
  • Tentative range: 42,360 to 43,304

FINNIFTY (19,224):

  • The Finnifty is currently in a negative trend.
  • If you have short positions, it is recommended to continue holding with a daily closing stoploss of 19,552.
  • Fresh long positions can be considered if Finnifty closes above 19,552 levels.
  • Support levels: 19,115, 19,006, 18,821
  • Resistance levels: 19,410, 19,596, 19,704
  • Tentative range: 19,018

Please remember that these predictions are based on historical data and analysis, and the actual market behavior may differ. It’s crucial to conduct your own research and consider other factors that may impact the market before making any trading decisions. Additionally, trading involves risks, and it’s important to have a well-thought-out trading strategy and risk management plan.

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