Nifty, Bank Nifty, Fin Nifty and Sensex Market Prediction Tomorrow November 24, 2023

Market Prediction Tomorrow
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Market Prediction Tomorrow, The provided data offers predictions and analysis for four major indices: SENSEX, NIFTY, BANKNIFTY, and FINNIFTY. Let’s break down the information and analyze each market.

Market Prediction Tomorrow

SENSEX Analysis:

  • Current Level: 66,018
  • Trend: Positive
  • Recommendation for Long Positions: Hold with a daily closing stoploss of 65,638
  • Recommendation for Short Positions: Initiate if Sensex closes below 65,638
  • Support Levels: 65,920 – 65,823 – 65,666
  • Resistance Levels: 66,175 – 66,333 – 66,430
  • Tentative Range: 65,521 to 66,515 with an accuracy of 92%

NIFTY Analysis:

  • Current Level: 19,802
  • Trend: Positive
  • Recommendation for Long Positions: Hold with a daily closing stoploss of 19,690
  • Recommendation for Short Positions: Initiate if Nifty closes below 19,690
  • Support Levels: 19,767 – 19,733 – 19,679
  • Resistance Levels: 19,856 – 19,910 – 19,944
  • Tentative Range: 19,654 to 19,950 with an accuracy of 92%


  • Current Level: 43,578
  • Trend: Negative
  • Recommendation for Short Positions: Hold with a daily closing stoploss of 43,866
  • Recommendation for Long Positions: Initiate if Banknifty closes above 43,866
  • Support Levels: 43,469 – 43,361 – 43,271
  • Resistance Levels: 43,668 – 43,758 – 43,866
  • Tentative Range: 43,172 to 43,983 with an accuracy of 92%

FINNIFTY Analysis:

  • Current Level: 19,587
  • Trend: Negative
  • Recommendation for Short Positions: Hold with a daily closing stoploss of 19,719
  • Recommendation for Long Positions: Initiate if Finnifty closes above 19,719
  • Support Levels: 19,552 – 19,516 – 19,471
  • Resistance Levels: 19,633 – 19,678 – 19,713

General Observations:

  • The accuracy of the tentative ranges for all indices is mentioned as 92%.
  • Traders are advised to monitor daily closing levels for making decisions.
  • Support and resistance levels are crucial for understanding potential price movements.


  • While technical analysis provides valuable insights, market conditions can change rapidly.
  • External factors, global events, and economic indicators can influence market movements.

Market Prediction Tomorrow, Investors and traders should use this information as a reference but also consider their risk tolerance and conduct thorough research before making any financial decisions. Additionally, staying updated with the latest market news and events is essential for informed decision-making.

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