Nifty, Bank Nifty, Fin Nifty and Sensex Market Prediction Tomorrow November 6, 2023

Market Prediction Tomorrow
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Market Prediction Tomorrow: The given data provides predictions and analysis for four major stock market indices: SENSEX, NIFTY, BANKNIFTY, and FINNIFTY. Here’s a summary of the information provided:

Market Prediction Tomorrow


  • Current Level: 68,865
  • Trend: Positive
  • Recommendation for Long Positions: Continue to hold with a daily closing stop loss of 68,011.
  • Recommendation for Short Positions: Initiate if SENSEX closes below 68,011.
  • Support Levels: 68,454 – 68,042 – 67,810
  • Resistance Levels: 69,097 – 69,330 – 69,741
  • Tentative Range (92% Accuracy): 68,304 to 69,426


  • Current Level: 20,687
  • Trend: Positive
  • Recommendation for Long Positions: Continue to hold with a daily closing stop loss of 20,430.
  • Recommendation for Short Positions: Initiate if NIFTY closes below 20,430.
  • Support Levels: 20,562 – 20,438 – 20,367
  • Resistance Levels: 20,757 – 20,827 – 20,952
  • Tentative Range (92% Accuracy): 20,519 to 20,854


  • Current Level: 46,431
  • Trend: Positive
  • Recommendation for Long Positions: Continue to hold with a daily closing stop loss of 45,431.
  • Recommendation for Short Positions: Initiate if BANKNIFTY closes below 45,431.
  • Support Levels: 45,782 – 45,133 – 44,782
  • Resistance Levels: 46,783 – 47,134 – 47,783
  • Tentative Range (92% Accuracy): 45,922 to 46,941


  • Current Level: 20,863
  • Trend: Positive
  • Recommendation for Long Positions: Continue to hold with a daily closing stop loss of 20,458.
  • Recommendation for Short Positions: Initiate if FINNIFTY closes below 20,458.
  • Support Levels: 20,609 – 20,356 – 20,218
  • Resistance Levels: 21,000 – 21,138 – 21,392

Market Prediction Tomorrow, It’s important to note that these predictions and analyses come with a claimed accuracy of 92%. Investors should always exercise caution and conduct their own research before making any financial decisions. Market conditions can change rapidly, and past performance is not always indicative of future results.

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